
I’ve been wanting to start a book blog for a long while now, and figure that as I have a few days off before starting my new job (!!!) in January now would be the perfect time to start!

I’ll be trying to update this blog reasonably frequently, depending on work etc, but just as much as I hope that this is a review site for others to add to their reading pile it will also be a nice way to collate all the books I’ve read and what I thought of them.

Just a quick round up of the sort of reader I am:

  • I own a kindle and love it, but that doesn’t stop me buying actual copies of other books – if anything my bookshelves have just grown and grown!
  • I am always trying to implement book buying bans on myself to catch up with all the books I have yet to read, but this never lasts very long or is very successful.
  • I grew up with the Harry Potter books and read them all hundreds of times each. They’re definitely the books I turn to when I need a break from all other books, and when I want to read something familiar. I think that I read them less for the story and more for the relationships between the characters, which is a BIG THING in all the books that I love.
  • Some of my other favourite books and authors include: The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater, Prep by Curtis Sittenfield, The Secret Place by Tana French, Patrick Ness, Melina Marchetta and Rainbow Rowell, among so many others!

So that’s it for my first post. I’m currently re-reading Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken, in the hopes that I can be all caught up when the third and final book in the trilogy, In the Afterlight, gets delivered to me tomorrow. Hooray!

Happy reading!